ISTR in Complex Geologic Settings with Highly Variable Permeabilities and High Groundwater Flux Zones

Originally broadcast on Apr 24, 2024

Complex geologies with highly permeable zones can cause significant challenges while heating the subsurface during in situ thermal treatment, and those challenges pose a serious threat to your project’s success. It is critical to have a detailed conceptual site model (CSM) and a proper understanding of the site’s lithology before choosing the technologies and designing the remedy that will best address the contaminant(s), the site’s unique complexities, and the outcomes demanded by state and federal guidance.

In this pre-recorded webinar, thermal expert John LaChance discusses:

  • The characteristics and types of areas with high permeability and complex geological structures.
  • The impact of these conditions on the effectiveness of thermal cleanup methods
  • Examples of successful thermal cleanup projects in challenging geological settings.