How are SVOCs Treated Using Thermal Remediation?

Originally broadcast on Apr 26, 2023

The treatment of sites with recalcitrant semi-volatile organic compounds (SVOCs) such as PFAS, PCBs, dioxins, and PAHs can feel daunting. A lot of times it seems like the only option is to dig them up and dispose of them in a landfill.  But this presents real long-term liability risks for clients.  Fortunately, there’s an effective on-site solution for treating soil contaminated with SVOCs – high temperature thermal Remediation.

In this flash webinar, TerraTherm thermal experts Erin Hauber, Senior Technologist, and John LaChance, Vice President of Development, will provide a brief overview of thermal remediation and how it removes and/or destroys SVOCs in soil.  They will also explain why thermal conductive heating (TCH) is the primary ISTR technology for the remediation of high boiling point chemicals. They will also discuss how TCH is used for In Pile Thermal Desorption (IPTD) of SVOCs, important design do’s and don’ts for a successful remedy, common ISTR myths, and typical costs.