Can Thermal Remediation Technologies be Combined at a Site?

Originally broadcast on Mar 15, 2023

Maybe you have a site with challenging geological features, and you’re trying to figure out if a thermal remediation technology can be used. Or perhaps you have a client who is on a tight schedule and needs to treat a source zone and a downgradient plume simultaneously to develop the site in a short amount of time.

What may come as a surprise is that while each individual thermal technology has its sweet spot, multiple technologies can be used safely at a site simultaneously to address contamination in complex geologies like silts, clays, sands, and fractured bedrock.

In this 30-min flash webinar VP of Technology, Steffen Griepke and Senior Technologist, Erin Hauber will reveal when it’s beneficial to combine thermal technologies to meet the site-specific goals. They will provide several examples of projects where thermal technologies have been successfully combined.

Join the discussion for insight on how and when to combine thermal technologies to treat sites with varied and complex conditions.  There will be time at the end for Q&A, so bring your questions about using thermal to remediate sites.