Can Thermal Remediation Be Used and Be Effective at Sites with High Groundwater Flux and Shallow Water Table?

Originally broadcast on Sep 20, 2023

Join us for an in-depth webinar exploring cutting-edge techniques in groundwater source zone contamination treatment. Dive deep into the challenges and potential of thermal remediation at sites with high groundwater flux rates. Discover how Steam Enhanced Extraction (SEE) can be utilized effectively with Thermal Conductive Heating (TCH) or Electrical Resistance Heating (ERH) to optimize heating in high-permeability and high groundwater velocity situations. 


However, thermal treatment of groundwater source zones is not without its challenges. Understand the design considerations and treatment system impacts on high flowing thermal sites, along with the change in energy demand associated with maintaining hydraulic control during the thermal remedy.  Equip yourself with the knowledge to navigate these challenges and implement efficient and cost-effective remediation strategies. 


Don’t miss out on this opportunity to learn from industry experts and enhance your understanding of groundwater source zone remediation techniques. Register today for our next webinar and stay on top of the latest trends and techniques in environmental management.