The Technology You Need, Backed by the Expertise and Experience Your Sites Demand
Your sites are all different and some sites have very different components or aspects within them. Therefore, you should work with a thermal contractor that can safely and effectively deliver the right technology or combination of technologies to address your site’s unique characteristics.
Offering one technology or having a preferred technology (for business or expertise reasons) is a significant limitation. Companies in this category, try to shoehorn your site into their go-to technology, sometimes ignoring or overlooking the performance limitations and safety concerns of doing so.

At TerraTherm we offer all the primary thermal remediation heating technologies:
Importantly, we are also highly experienced at combining technologies to address complex geologies. For example, we have combined TCH with SEE and ERH with SEE to ensure that sites with both low and high permeable zones are effectively heated to safely achieve remedial performance goals in the most cost-effective manner.
We can also provide low-temperature thermal remedies (i.e., heating to 35 to 80˚C with no extraction and treatment) where site conditions, contaminants of concerns (COCs), and schedules merit them.

And we are the experts in design and implementation of ex situ thermal remediation soil piles for the treatment of high-boiling point SVOCs such as PFAS, PCBs, PAHs, dioxins, etc.
Remember no two sites are the same and using a cookie-cutter type approach for technology selection and design may not deliver the performance and safety you require. Working with TerraTherm and our team of highly experienced experts is the best way to identify the best heating technology or technologies, design safe and effective systems, and deliver the remedial performance your sites require, within your expected schedule and budget.