Project: Simultaneous Treatment of Eight Source Zones
Memphis, TN
Mix of CVOCs
49,800 cy
Reduce CVOC concentration to 1 mg/kg
Number of Heaters
Mass Removed
12,500 lbs.
Important Project Details
Approach: Energy was delivered through the thermal conduction heater borings and vapors were extracted from 68 vertical vacuum wells. A vapor extraction and capture system, including a surface cover and vertical vacuum wells next to heater borings, provided for effective pneumatic control and capture the CVOC vapors. A central treatment system, based on condensation and granular activated carbon filtration, was used to treat the vapors.
Results: Post-treatment soil sampling results showed that the remedial goals were achieved in all 8 treatment areas. Soil concentrations of all contaminants were reduced from over 1,000 mg/kg (indicating the presence of DNAPL) to below 1 mg/ kg in all samples.
What Makes this Project Unique
TCH was utilized to simultaneously treat eight separate source zones containing chlorinated solvents in tight loess (silt/clay) above the water table. Turn-key unit treatment cost, including all utilities, was $79 per cy.
This project received the 2009 Secretary of Defense Environmental Award.