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Project: Remediation of Former Dry Cleaners and Beneath Adjacent Store


Jacksonville, NC




11,688 cy


Reduce PCE to below 0.0063 mg/kg

Number of Heaters

109 TCH and 11 SEE Wells

Mass Removed

2,437 lbs.



Important Project Details

Approach: Steam enhanced extraction (SEE) was combined with thermal conduction heating (TCH) to the CVOCs in complex subsurface conditions. This strategy targeted contamination beneath both the former dry cleaner and the occupied retail store, using directional drilling and advanced monitoring systems to control temperatures and maintain safety.

Challenges: The project faced challenges such as complex geology, high-permeability zones, and the need to remediate beneath an occupied retail building. Precise temperature and hydraulic control were essential to ensure safety, minimize disruption, and achieve successful contaminant removal.

Results: The project successfully removed over 2,400 lbs. of CVOCs, achieving cleanup goals with minimal disruption to the surrounding community. Soil sampling confirmed the effectiveness of the thermal remediation, with nearly all contaminants reduced below target levels.

What Makes this Project Unique

The target treatment zone (TTZ) encompassed an area of approximately 8,692 ft2, including 2,200 ft2 beneath the adjacent occupied retail store, and extending from ground surface to variable depths from 20 to 66 ft below ground surface (bgs). The complex geology and high-permeability zones required careful design, precise control, and adaptive strategies to protect the building while achieving stringent cleanup goals.

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