TerraTherm is committed to providing our employees and subcontractors with a safe and healthy work environment. To do so reflects our obligation to each other and sound business practices. No aspect of the company’s activities, including expediency and cost, take precedence over project safety mitigation.
Safety is our number one priority, and every employee has the authority to STOP WORK if they identify a potential hazard or are unsure about any aspect of the work task.
TerraTherm operates under Cascade’s world-class CORETM safety program. The CORE Safety Program entails seven essential elements.

Training is the foundation of the CORE Program and is structured to develop skills, accentuate strengths, support client performance, and drive toward a Zero Incident goal. All new hires are provided with extensive training prior to mobilizing to any field sites. Cascade’s Learning Management System is used to monitor and track employee training requirements and status and ensure that employees remain up to date with all critical training requirements.
Compliance & Risk Management
The CORE Compliance and Risk Management element provides the governance and process for accountability, conformance, and risk management. This CORE element focuses on the deployment of systems and programs designed to reduce incidents, exposures, and liabilities for the Company and its clients. Exceeding regulatory requirements and deploying specialized programs to mitigate and eliminate risk establishes the framework of a Quality Work Force structure.
Inspections & Audits
CORE Element 3 involves the design and application of programs to effectively monitor, verify, and validate the Company’s programs and procedures through inspections and audits. The focus of this program is to facilitate confirmation of safety, conformance of compliance, and verification of procedural execution. Managers, Supervisors, and Employees all have a role in inspections and audits to ensure the requirements of the CORE program are upheld to ensure the safety of our employees, clients, and the public.
Incident Investigation & Case Management
CORE Element 7 entails the design and application of systematic processes to ensure the proper care of employees, accurate and timely reporting of incidents, determination of root causes, and improvement of procedures to minimize the potential for future incidents. Any safety incident is investigated and reviewed to help facilitate preventative programs, educate staff, support company-wide initiatives, and ensure global communications of safety strategies.
This CORE element focuses on the design and application of communication programs to strengthen education, ensure global understanding, and expedite information transfer. The focus of this element is to ensure appropriate and timely distribution of safety related information, eliminate misinterpretation, provide definitive instruction, support, and solicit feedback. The Communication element includes requirements for daily safety meetings, monthly crew safety meetings, safety stand-down meetings, and JSA review as warranted. Relevant safety updates or notices are distributed through multiple channels including company-wide emails, Safety Alerts, Shared Learning publications, Required Company Training (RCT) bulletins, and publication of a monthly Safety Dashboard communication for review by all employees.
Recognition & Accountability
Core Element 5 revolves around the design and application of programs to promote achievement, reinforce responsibility, and reward safety leadership. These programs enhance our corporate values, provide a platform for recognition and advancement, and encourage employee and management involvement in the CORE Safety Program. Individual employee recognition is accomplished through our Cascade Coin and Employee Shout-out programs, as well as Employee of the Quarter program. Business unit safety achievement is also recognized on an annual basis. Accountability for compliance with the CORE Safety program elements is also managed under this element.
Management Involvement
Managers and supervisors are stewards of the CORE™ Program. Without visible and demonstrable support for CORE, the program will not reach its potential. Consequently, supervisors are required to actively participate in and support each of the seven (7) elements of the CORE Safety program.
Contact us today to request a learn more about our Core Safety Program.
Dale Duscher
Dale Duscher is one of Cascade’s Environmental Health & Safety (EHS) Managers and we rely on him to ensure work is performed safely and on schedule.Dale began his career more than 30 years ago as a driller assistant, and made his way up through the ran...