Steffen Griepke Vice President of Technology
Steffen Griepke is the Vice President of Technology at TerraTherm. In this role, he helps clients determine if a thermal remedy would work on their project site and, if so, which thermal technology or combination of technologies would be the most cost-effective. He then leads the design of the remedy and guides its implementation, operation, and continued optimization through project completion. Steffen began his thermal career in 2003 working with thermal technologies and has been involved in more than 75 successful projects. They have included sites from former dry cleaners, chemical manufacturing plants, chemical storage facilities, MGP sites, brownfields, military installations, and tank areas.
As an internationally-recognized in situ thermal remediation (ISTR) expert, Steffen also supports his clients in their communication with oversight agencies and regulators. Steffen’s experience in designing, operating, and using real-time data for optimizing thermal projects makes him an excellent partner for clients with complex sites or recalcitrant compounds.
Email: [email protected]
Responsibilities TCH, SEE, High Temp, PFAS, Bedrock, Subsurface Design