NAPL Remediation of Former MGP Site

January 20, 2021

napl remediation, Completion of MGP Site

 TerraTherm recently completed phase 1 of thermal remediation at the former MGP site in Alton, IL. TerraTherm’s thermal conduction heating (TCH) technology was selected because of the amount of local small businesses and traffic near the site. TerraTherm was contracted to remove free-phase NAPL to the extent practicable and reduce organic manufacturing gas plant (MGP) related impacts to below the industrial/commercial remediation objectives. TCH was utilized to heat the site to 100°C to remediate contaminants of concerns (COCs) and non-aqueous phase liquid (NAPL) below commercial/industrial remedial objectives. Contaminants included MGP tar related compounds including PAHs and BTEX. Contaminant mass was estimated to be approximately 20,000 lbs. based on LNAPL saturation. Over 32,000 lbs. of contaminated mass was removed in Phase 1. TerraTherm is now working on Phase 2 where the footprint of ongoing ISTR operations has been expanded to remove more NAPL and reduce organic MGP related impacts to below industrial/commercial remediation objectives to the extent possible. Contaminated mass for Phase 2 is estimated to be approximately 30,000 lbs., based on LNAPL saturation. Contact us to learn about our processes.