Thermal Remediation Vapor Covers: Why and How
Originally broadcast on Oct 17, 2018
While it may be tempting to reduce overall project cost of an in situ thermal remediation (ISTR) project by not properly insulating the treatment zone, one must consider what compromises are being made to the overall treatment success by not insulating the treatment area. In addition one should factor the weight of the remedy success with the potential cost being saved.
The depth to the top of the contaminated area, contaminant type, vadose zone, geology, vapor extraction strategy and location of the water table are all factors influencing whether the surface of a thermal site will need to be insulated during a thermal remedy.
Technical Director focuses on design considerations related to the selection of vapor caps for different thermal sites. Guidelines will be presented related to the choice of cap material for different heating scenarios based on the site-specific chemicals of concern, and the shallow soil temperatures needed for proper treatment. Scenarios where no vapor cap is needed is also presented.