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Thermal Rediation for Treatment of PFAS Source Areas

Originally broadcast on Jun 10, 2020

Per- and polyfluorinated substances (PFAS) are known as forever chemicals because they are persistent in the environment and difficult to remove. Tackling these contaminants is feasible with the right technology. Thermal conductive heating (TCH) is an effective remediation solution for PFAS and other recalcitrant compounds. Recent laboratory studies conducted by TerraTherm partner Krüger have shown better than 99.99% removal of PFAS contaminants when simulating the TCH efficiency.

You know there’s more to project success than technology alone. Experience matters. TerraTherm’s Technology Director with guest speaker Søren Eriksen, Chemical Engineer from Krüger. They addresses the literature background as it relates to thermal removal of PFAS, describes the conducted lab testing and results. They also touch on the fate of the thermally treated PFAS compounds in the process, and presents how a field application will be implemented.