Guaranteed Remediation
Welcome to our thermal soil remediation blog series! We're excited to share with you how we use heat to eliminate hazardous pollutants and create sustainable land. In this series, you'll learn about Thermal Conduction Heating, Steam Enhanced Extraction, and Electrical Resistance Heating. We'll provide you with expert insights, case studies, and resources to help you succeed in the field. Keep reading!
8 Reasons to Use Thermal Brownfield Remediation for Redevelopment Projects
Redevelopment projects are typically on tight schedules, and one delay can cost millions of dollars. Learn why thermal remediation should be a top choice for your next brownfield site.
Is Thermal Remediation Cost Effective?
“The successful completion of this project resulted in a cost avoidance of $218M by reducing the environmental remediation timeline by 140 years.” These words reflected on…
How to Get the Best Remediation Bids From Your Bidders, Part 2
Going through the RFP process can be a major headache. As a consultant, you not only have to write the request, but then go through the…
How to Get the Best Remediation Proposals From Your Bidders, Part 1
You have carefully characterized the site, evaluated remedial technologies, and determined that in situ thermal remediation (ISTR) is the best option. The next step is to…
Essential Thermal Treatment Steps for a Successful Project
If you’ve never worked on a project involving a thermal remediation solution, it can seem overwhelming. A successful thermal treatment process depends on several factors, many…
Why Estimating and Tracking Contaminant Mass Removal is Important to Assessing Performance and Success of Thermal Remediation Projects
One of the most important and tangible metrics to a thermal remediation project’s progress is contaminant mass removal. Because thermal remediation is often considered one of…
Why is Adaptive Management Required During Thermal Remediation Implementation?
Environmental consultants know that even the most carefully researched and meticulously planned project cannot anticipate every possible scenario. But when unexpected challenges arise, how is adaptive…
Is Remediation Performance Guarantee Worth the Premium?
I’m sure you have heard of thermal remediation vendors who loudly tout the fact that they offer a remediation performance guarantee. These performance guarantees often cost…
How Can High-Resolution Site Characterization Reduce Cost and Improve Outcomes on Thermal Remediation Projects?
Every cubic yard of soil treated is dollars added to a project. Why treat more than you have to? Modern high-resolution site characterization (HRSC) tools provide…